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Street Fighter - The Epic Story

By Sam Smith

This page is for all those people who want to know why everyone is fighting in Street Fighter. The following text explains each part of the tournament, and the major plot elements. - and yes there is a plot!

The Street Fighter 1 Tournament

Long ago, a Japanese warrior named Ryu, set out to cleanse himself and to learn the true meaning of 'the fight'. Around the same time the rebellious young Ken Masters from Seattle, was sent to learn discipline at a Japanese dojo. It was here that he met Ryu.

Ryu and Ken became friends and studied a form of karate together for 10 years, tutored by the mysterious tutor, name of Gouken. Gouken taught Ryu and Ken by numerous riddles and practical activities. Gouken was the true master of the Hadoken and the Shoryuken, these two moves he taught Ryu and Ken, but the agreement was to use them only in extreme circumstances. Gouken had spent his life searching for the answer to the question 'What is the meaning of a true warrior?'.

Gouken was murdered one day, however his murderer is still not known. Some say it was his brother who pulled of the deadliest move of all, thus selling his sole to evil - Akuma. Others say that it was one of M.Bison's soldiers powered by the narcotic Doll, enhanced by M.Bisons Psycho Power. Either way the effect of Gouken's death caused Ryu to continue his tutors wishes and to find the answer to 'What is the meaning of a true warrior?' The reason for Gouken's death appeared later one Ken finds himself badly beaten, and by concentrating his chi, he is able to call upon the mysterious Sheng Long (The Dragon). Was Gouken the spirit of Sheng Long?

The first Street Fighter tournament was constructed to find the strongest warrior alive, however no one ever counted on it being the start of a plan for world chaos. Some of the warriors in the first tournament were: Ryu, Ken, Gen, Adon, and Sagat. Sagat was the reigning Mui-Thai Master, and therefore the ultimate warrior. In a climatic battle Sagat injured Ryu so bad, that all Ryu had left was the Shoryuken (dragon punch). As Sagat began his lethal attacks, Ryu turned and launched into the Shoryuken, scaring Sagat across his torso. Ryu had one the tournament.

With the failure of Sagat, M.Bison - the overlooker and arranger of the tournament, hires Sagat as one of the 4 Kings of Shadowlaw. The psycho noble man Vega, the banished boxer Balrog, and Blanka along with M.Bison made up the 4 Kings of Shadowlaw.

The Street Fighter Alpha Tournaments

The next tournament was arranged so M.Bison could recruit more deadly warriors for his army, dubbed Street Fighter Alpha it was this tournament that would change the street fighter tournaments for ever.

Chinese warrior Chun-Li, entered the tournament to search the island of Shad for her missing father, a DEA agent. She finally meets up with M.Bison, who confronts her with riddles. As he disappears, Chun-Li still does not know the truth about her father, so she turns to interpol, and signs up as a DEA agent.

Two US army pilots were shot down over Brazil, they were Charlie and Guile. They sent out a distressed flare, but no luck. Guile's legs were broken so Charlie set out to find help, it is here that he finally finds the goal of his mission, to confront the US army unit leader M.Bison. Charlie beats M.Bison, but just as the helicopter arrives to arrest M.Bison, it shoots Charlie. The pilot of the helicopter was under the control of DOLL. As soon as Guile is well, he is given Charlies dog tags, and a garbled message mentioning M.Bison. Guile then seeks M.Bison to get Charlies revenge.

The mysterious tarot, Rose also seeks M.Bison, as he is using his power for evil. Rose has equal power to M.Bison, so when she confronts, and beats M.Bison she seals his psycho power in......for ever. Or so she thought.... M.Bison's psycho power had taken him to a level higher than pure humans, he had the power of a god, and now the enhanced power from Rose. Rose's power now dampened by M.Bison and her own accident leaves her constantly thinking of what might have been.

Birdie, a leader of a British Punk gang, wants to prove himself as the supreme leader so he enters the street fighter alpha tournament. On reaching M.Bison, Birdie joins the Shadowlaw organisation. When Birdie discovers what M.Bison is up to he leaves, and is killed later by Vega.

Many of the original street fighters; Gen, Ryu, Ken, Adon, are all searching for victories, however this tournament solves some mysteries. Ryu meets up with Akuma, who admits it was he that killed Gouken. Ken faces Dan, who fights with a similar technique to Ken. Apparently, Dan learnt this from his father. Adon is angry that Ryu managed to beat Sagat, so he challenges Sagat and wins. Sagat fights Ryu again, and loses. This drives Sagat to practice more in the hope of one day beating Ryu.

Dan is out wanting revenge for his fathers death. It was his father that fought against Sagat before the street fighter tournaments began. It was one of his fathers fights, that damaged Sagat's eye. However this victory was short lived, as Sagat crushed Dan's fathers head, killing him. Dan fights Sagat and wins, but then is killed by Akuma.

Sodom has entered the tournament to recruit people for the Mad Gear gang. Guy who has beaten the Mad Gear gang enters the tournament to prove himself a worthy opponent for his tutor. When Sodom wins, he travels back to Japan where he issues a challenge to all the 'weaker' sumo wrestlers. It is here that E.Honda challenges Sodom, and decides to enter the Street Fighter 2 tournament.

Sakura, a 14 year old girl idolises Ryu, and wishes to fight him! When she does Ryu lets her win, but dashes all hope of him becoming her tutor, as Ryu still does not know the meaning of 'the fight'.

Akuma enters the tournament officially to test his evil devil power against the other warriors. Akuma beats most of his challengers, and disappears to reflect on his life, and whether he should stay here, still seeking the ultimate challenge.

The Russian wrestler Zangief enters the tournament to show off his great strength, and his new swirly move (later dubbed as the spinning pile driver). Dhalsim also makes an appearance fighting to raise enough money so he can by food for his tribe.

Rolento, a mad Vietnam commando entered the tournament to overthrow everyone who stood in his way so he could create the largest army, thus giving him limitless power. Rolento was discharged from the US army due to his extreme methods of 'tutoring' his soldiers. One example is when using a sharp piece of metal, Rolento taught one of his soldiers 'discipline' by hanging him on it until he died. Rolento uses this deadly move in the Street Fighter tournament.

Allen, an American Karate champ fights Ken Masters in his first round. Ken thrashes him and subsequently Allen goes on a journey of self discovery finally ending up in the Street Fighter EX tournament. Allens goal is to fight Ken again but this time cripple him so bad that he will never fight again.

Charlie Nash is dead, he was killed by shadowlaw. Guile, Charlie's co-pilot does not believe the military's explanation of Charlies unfortunate fall in Veneswailer. Guile is after the leader of Shadowlaw, the evil man himself M.Bison.

The Street Fighter EX plus Alpha Tournament

In the lead up to the second Street Fighter Tournament a mysterious character appears called Garuda. He posesses the power to control Shin Gouki (Devil Akuma) and Evil Ryu. Garuda is not a man or a demon, he is a combination of many people obsessed with Murder. He is one of the few street fighters who actually as armour, though those who see it close up will be killed.

With the rise of Shadowlaw, other smaller criminal organisations are disappearing, many of them going to Shadowlaw itself. One man Cracker-Jack did not believe that his gang of crooks and criminals should disperse and become one with Shadowlaw. Unfortunately he was the only one who thought this way. His once loyal criminals attacked him from all sides, the battle was over in seconds. Cracker-Jack emerged victorious gently swinging his baseball bat, he made his way off to see just how strong Shadowlaw and M.Bison really are.

Blair Dame is the daughter of a millionaire, she had a good up-bringing and education in everything ranging from maths to self defense. One day she bores of her life in the mansion and decides to put her fighting skills to the test. Along with her bodyguard Darun, she enters the street fighter tournament to prove herself to be the strongest woman alive.

An old wrestler, Darun, now only works as a body guard to the millionaire's daughter Blair Dame. With her sights set on winning the tournament Darun comes along to protect Blair, though once the tournament begins, Darun finds himself mixed up along the way and eventually finds himself having to fight the lady he is suppose to protect.

Ryu returns to his dojo, hoping to find some clues about the death of his sensai. What he finds does not bode well. It seems that there is a power that actually controls Akuma. Could this be Akuma's sensai, or his. The only way to discover this is to find the creature and see how strong it really is.

Ken is still waiting for his proper re-match against Ryu. Ken feels that he is stronger now, but has his love for Eliza softened his fighting potential. With M.Bison, and Allen both wanting him beaten, can Ken compete?

Along the way to find Charlie's killer, Guile and is unit encounter the sick soldier Rolento. They are ambushed in the dark. Guile is quick to escape, but his fellow unit is not, they are all slaughtered. All goes black, then one wakes up, he is the lone survivor, all his fellow officers are dead, he should be to. As he leaves he picks up Rolento's death wire, maybe it will be useful oneday, the day that Doctrine Dark gets revenge on Guile.

Doctrine Dark thought that he was the lone survivor of Rolento's attack. The shame of him not dying with his fellow comrades change D.Dark. He refused all hospital treatment, and ran away to live in the dark tunnels where he could be closer to his dead unit. However news reaches D.Dark about is leader Major Guile, and how he is still alive. D.Dark speculates, did Guile know about the ambush, was he to scared to fight? Eitherway Doctrine Dark would hunt down Guile and decide for himself whether Guile would join the rest of his unit.

Zangief is working at the factory when there is a sudden commotional outside. He investigates and discovers two men having a fight. Zangief laughs and joins in the fight, moments later Zangief is the victor. He had just beaten two people who were entries in the street fighter tournament. Maybe I should enter again thinks Zangief, once again I will prove that Russia is the strongest power.

Hokuto has developed the fighting skills she learnt from her own jujitsu master into her own style. At the age of 17 she discovered that her elder brother was living in horror and following the path of the Shura. Her journey to find him began. Hokuto has a special relationship with a sumo wrestler called E.Honda, is he her brother? Or is it Kairi?

Kairi has been following the path of Shura, robbed of his memory fifteen years ago. Kairi does not know who he is or why he fights. The words 'Seek thou the ultimate (by thyself)' echo inside is head, a mere fragment of his locked-up memory. Following these words he continues to search for more opponents.

Having been side track Chun-Li, is once again back on track to bring M.Bison to justice. With her inner chi still fighting Chun-Li is able to pull off a more powerful version of her kiko-ken, called the kik-sho. However reaching M.Bison will be harder this time as new world warriors have entered the tournament, each with their own personal feuds.

Pullum is another millionaire's daughter. One day she was walking around the mansion she looked inside her fathers room, where she saw a man different from the one she knew. He had change, he was now '..heart and soul for Shadowlaw...' Pullum decides to go and find this Shadowlaw.

A third rate business man criticised for his poor performance, was sent to help at an open air publicity fair for one of the companies most important customers. The attraction that he was pushed into was a comic book hero show. Under the gaze of the audience something crack within him, the result being Skullomania - a man living out his comic hero dreams. 

The Street Fighter 2 World Warrior Tournament

Six years after the Alpha tournament 12 warriors make the final cut to enter the third street fighter tournament. The 12 warriors are; Ryu, Ken, Guile, E.Honda, Zangief, Dhalsim, Chun-Li, Blanka, Balrog, Vega, Sagat, and M.Bison. This tournament was not arranged, Chun-Li and Interpol were after M.Bison for his drug dealing. Guile was after M.Bison for revenge of death of Charlie.

Edward Honda was the most powerful sumo wrestler, it was only when he fought Sodom that he learnt about the street fighter tournament. E.Honda entered the tournament to prove himself as the greatest fighter ever, and to show people that sumo wrestling is the greatest sport. E.Honda finally meets M.Bison, and beats him with his hundred hand slap (this move is so fast that it was able to counter M.Bison psycho power). On victory E.Honda returns to Japan awaiting the next challenge.

Ryu the wandering warrior enters the tournament to witness the new strength of Sagat, and for the chance to meet is friend Ken. Ryu meets M.Bison, and beats him easily. When the award presentation begins, Ryu is no where to be found, he is already out seeking the next challenge.

Ken who is seeking to challenge Ryu, as Ken see's Ryu as the only warrior who could beat him. Ken manages to beat all his challengers confronts M.Bison and beats him. Just as Ken is about to get his revenge on M.Bison for submitting him to M.Bison's psycho power, Eliza runs in asking for Ken's hand in marriage. Ken accepts.

Guile the US army representative is out for revenge, disregarding and rules set down by his own army and Interpol. Guile wants M.Bison dead. However information has found its way back to Guile's family, who want him to come home. Guile's wife and daughter persue him all over the world, until Guile reaches the man made island of Shad - home of the narcotic DOLL. With revenge burning deep within Guile unleashes a constant barrage of Sonic Booms, until M.Bison was beaten. As Guile picks up M.Bison by his neck, ready to pull of a Flash Kick to break his neck, Guile's family appear. They explain that by killing M.Bison will not bring Charlie back, Guile agree's and goes home to be a family man!

Dhalsim also has a family (he married the Indian girl in his Street Fighter Alpha 2 background). Once again Dhalsim tribe is starving, Dhalsim enters the tournament, his only wish is to win the grand prize so he can feed his tribe. The skulls around his neck remind Dhalsim about the people who are dieing back in India. After Dhalsim wins he goes back home to help raise his child, he will fight no more.

Chun-Li, now knowing what her father was doing on the island of Shad, enters the tournament with the full backing of Interpol to arrest M.Bison and to get revenge for her fathers untimely death. Along the way Chun-Li confronts her fathers killer - Vega. Amougst the fight Chun-Li deals a lethal blow to Vega, knocking off his mask, she then launches into a 100 foot kick and scars Vega's face. Chun-Li wins, Vega is left scarred for life (no pun intended). Chun-Li confronts M.Bison, he decides not to come quietly so she fights him and wins. The rest of the Interpol squad fail to turn up to arrest M.Bison, so he see's his chance and disappears. Noticing the failiure of Interpol Chun-Li goes back to being a dective.

Blanka is a bit of a mystery, some say he was a young boy who was raised by electric eels! However I believe that he was originally one of the 4 Kings of Shadowlaw, after Balrog was thrown out for leaking information. Blanka was never a good choice, he was never very clever. As soon as Balrog returned to Shadowlaw, Blanka was locked in a metal chair, and M.Bison enhanced Blanka's dream of being dangerous and wild many times by his extreme psycho power. Blanka now very distant from Shadowlaw decided to enter the tournament to seek his revenge on M.Bison. However after M.Bison is defeated some woman thinks that Blanka is her long lost son 'Jimmy', maybe she is deranged...

Zangief who now seems to be a Russian warrior fighting for the glory of his country is just in the tournament for a challenge. Zangief has no quarrel with M.Bison, the only warrior which he does find hard to accept is Guile. Guile is a patriotic American against the Russians, and Zangief is a patriotic Russian against the Americans.

Balrog is one of the 4 kings of Shadowlaw. Originally Balrog was a high ranking boxer, but after one incident of fighting outside the ring he was banished from boxing. Balrog was then hired by M.Bison as his crime boss, Balrog's job was to establish links with other big crime organisations. Balrog still fights outside the Golden Nugget on the Las Vegas strip. Balrog is considered the weakest member of the 4 kings. Balrog enters the street fighter tournament to prove himself a great warrior, and of course the cash prize would also establish Balrog as a wealthy man, maybe even begin boxing professionally again. Eitherway, Balrog will end up with far too many Las Vegas 'bunny girls' hanging on his arms.

Vega is one member of a large family, they are all of noble blood. Vega is more of a cowardly fighter, due to the three prong claw he has attached to his arm. The mask is a family tradition, the family believes that looks maketh the man. In Vega's case the man made, is a manic psycho hired by the evil M.Bison to kill people who get to close to the Shadoll operations. Many years ago, just after the first street fighter tournament a DEA agent got to close to the Shadoll operation. This man was able to propell himself upside down across a short distant by using his feet. On the 4 King mountain Vega confronted the DEA agent and sliced his legs and kicked him off the mountain. The identity of the DEA agent was discovered shortly afterwards back in China, where the DEA agent's daughter, Chun-Li discovered her fathers operations. Vega's role in the tournament was to eliminate as many of these 'world warriors' as possible to keep the Shadoll operation alive. Vega seeks nothing from winning the tournament, his only motivation is death. Vega dies at the hand or should that be foot! of Chun-Li. As soon as Cammy has recovered from her one attempt to kill President Sellers (a man against drugs), she is interviewed by Chun-Li. The transmission picked up by a monitor cyborg makes M.Bison send Vega to kill Chun-Li. It what is the best fight scene ever, Chun-Li is attacked in her own apartment, Vega lauches into a flurry of claw attacks and scars Chun-Li. Vega Notices that Chun-Li is getting tired, virtually burned out so he removes his mask ready to lick the blood of her face. As Vega approaches Chun-Li picks up the sofa and hurls it at Vega, scarring his face. As Vega shouts about his scarred face, Chun-Li launches into a spinning bird kick each foot hitting Vega's face. Getting up Chun-Li vision starts to go, In a last ditch attempt she runs towards Vega and lauches into a 100 foot kick, then with a final kick pushes Vega out through her apartment wall, down onto the busy streets below. Vega dies.

Sagat the reigning Street Fighter Champion enters the tournament for the chance to beat Ryu. Sagat is also working in the Shadoll operation in the weapons division. Sagat matters little for M.Bison's wants and desires, Sagat still wants to redeem his image as a great fighting legend. Sagat has little or no background, all that is sure that he has been fighting the longest, due to his run in with Dans father and his subsequent death. Sagat was also present at the death of Gouken, so we know that at least for the last 15 years Sagat has been working for M.Bison. After defeating Ryu in the Street Fighter Tournament, Sagat decides that he has wasted his life and disappears without a trace, maybe only to return when a worthy adversary appears.

During this period of battles other events have been taking place. Cammy, M.Bison's ex-girlfriend and now assassin failed her mission to kill President Sellers. Unlike other failures Cammy was not killed, the hold that M.Bison had over her via his psycho power was unbreakable or was it....  The movie star Fei Long enters the tournament wanting to fight real warriors not the fake movie warriors... M.Bison has stripped parts of native America of his minerals, this angers T.Hawk a 7ft warrior who vows to distroy M.Bison... Lastly the Jamaican fighter Dee Jay enters the tournament to bring his new kind of music to the massess....A dark warrior overlooks the tournament happenings and decides that maybe it is time for the humans to face a far deadlier warrior. Now is the time for the re-opening of the tournament...

Super Street Fighter 2 X Tournament

Cammy who is suffering from amnesia trains with the British MI6 division. Soon she becomes one of their best fighters. She and a group of 4 others embark on the trip to Thailand to stop the mad dictator M.Bison. On challenging M.Bison Cammy wins, but as she is about to kille M.Bison, he speaks telling her about her past and their love for one another. Cammy does not want to believe it, M.Bison is left injured by the fact that he was beaten by a woman, and Cammy and her forces go home. M.Bison is still aware that he has control over Cammy, so anytime he can take out the whole of the British secret service. It would seem taht Cammy was not the victor.

Fei Long takes a break from his movie career to fight for real money and respect. During his fight with Ryu he substains chest pains from Ryu's tarsumaki-senpu-kyaku. When Fei Long reaches M.Bison the fight is long and hard, Fei Long establishes more injuries. As M.Bison throws Fei Long he transfers a small amount of Psycho power to Fei Long, with this Fei Long beats M.Bison. Fei Long is then signed up for a movie contract. It is here that he dies from a drug overdose, but Fei Long never took drugs. It can be only assumed that M.Bison sensed the full potential of Fei Long, and implanted him with psycho power. It was the psycho power that Fei Long could not cope with, and with the chest pains Fei Long had no chance.

T.Hawk the biggest street fighter of all wants his beautiful home land back so he enters the tournament to persuade M.Bison to do just that. T.Hawk has little problem in beating the other combatants, only Ryu and Ken give problems, but T.Hawk manages to struggle through. On confronting M.Bison T.Hawk uses his massive strength to destroy M.Bison, now his homeland will be rich again.

Dee Jay the Jamaican DJ, wants his type of hip hop music to be played all over the world. To get this publicity Dee Jay needs to win the street fighter tournament. Dee Jay has similiar techniques to Guile, i.e. is techinques are mostly 'keep away'. On meeting M.Bison Dee Jay uses his extreme fighting style to beat M.Bison, thus winning the tournament. Now with the press interest and publicity Dee Jay launches his music career, his first song was called 'street fight'.

One warrior has been overlooking this tournament, his name is Akuma. Those warriors who were skilled enough would face him. Akuma is very powerful maybe even as powerful as M.Bison.